Innovative Selling With Customer Insight



Innovative Selling with Customer Insight is the blueprint for extraordinary selling performance, mapping out the right path to success with the least resistance so sales professionals can dramatically increase their income, level of fulfillment, and sense of balance in all areas of their life.

It is an approach that takes concepts of innovative thinking and applies them to the sales process. But Innovative Selling only works if your sales professionals can think more like business people and less like transactional salespeople

Innovative Selling will enable you to achieve desired results quickly and efficiently with less effort, further accelerating your level of awareness, growth, and achievement.

Additionally, you’ll learn the little known, yet essential skills of result-oriented communication, beginning with effective questioning. Salespeople learn how to ask the kind of questions that get to the core of customer needs, their objectives, and how to satisfy them, creating a deeper trust and lasting partnership that leaves each side victorious.

This provides you with the edge over your competitors, enabling you to align your selling approach with the buyer’s preferred buying strategy and communication style, instead of having to push, manipulate or rely on generic selling strategies that have lost their effectiveness in today’s rapidly changing marketplace.

Course Module

Mode of Delivery

Virtual Class with instructor-led class exercises and project-based/assignments learning methodology
9 hours of learning sessions
Course material and Course Certificate will be issued
Course video available on demand
Face- to- Face learning available on request


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