Introduction to Financial Modeling and Forecasting


This course Introduction to Financial Modeling and Forecasting combines both the learning and development, of participant’s Excel skills and financial modeling. It is designed to take participants through a step-by-step process in building a professional, functional, and user-friendly cash flow financial model with an emphasis on Excel and modeling concepts. The completed product is a robust and dynamic cash flow model with historical data, forecasted revenue and expenses, and a debt Schedule.

The use of a robust, accurate, and user-friendly financial model cannot be over-emphasized in making accurate and timely financial decisions. It is basically one of the most important factors in the success, development, and sustenance of a Financial institution

Training Objectives

  • Participants will learn a variety of skills, technologies, practices for continuous interactive exploration and investigation of business performance.
  • Define the problem context, choose the right data for analysis, apply appropriate analytic techniques, and come up with conclusions & recommendations.
  • Develop a better understanding of the basic concepts of statistics.
  • Provide an overview of computer-assisted data analysis.
  • Develop requisite skills to bring-in and transform data using SPSS.
  • Enhance knowledge and develop skills for performing appropriate analyses.
  • Augment knowledge for interpretation and presentation of analyses.


Learning Outcomes

At the end of the training, participants will be able to understand;

  • The principles of ‘best practice’ modeling.
  • A model design thinking process.
  • A wide range of Excel features and techniques.
  • Of both financial, and other functions in Excel.
  • Have the ability to design and build professional models, incorporating elements from the course.


Course Modules

  • Overview of Financial modeling.
  • Modelling ‘best practice’.
  • Designing a Financial model.
  • Features and techniques of Financial modeling.
  • Use of number formats, Layouts, borders, and colours.
    • Data Validation.
    • Combo box/ Scroll bars.
    • Conditional formatting.
    • Dynamic graphs.
    • Sensitivity tables and analysis.
    • Financial, Mathematical, Logical, and Lookup functions.
  • Entering historical information.
  • Forecasting revenue and expenses.
  • Designing a debt schedule.
  • Protecting and securing worksheets and workbook
  • Financial/Financial Analysis model.
  • Extending models to answer management specific questions.
  • Customizing existing models to suit our individual needs.
    • Financial/Financial Analysis model.
    • Extending models to answer management specific questions.
    • Customizing existing models to suit our individual needs.
    • Participants ’ requested model.
  • Course Summary.

Mode Of Delivery

Virtual Class with instructor-led class exercises and project-based/assignments learning methodology
9hours of learning sessions
Course material and Course Certificate will be issued
Course video available on demand
Face- to- Face learning available on request


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